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Sales and Service: Integrating Contact Center With Microsoft Dynamics 365

This article was published on July 27, 2021

Life imitates art. And in many cases, when it comes to sales, service, and CX, your desktop is a good illustration of what customers must experience. That’s because your browser may be divided into an infinity of tabs, each one telling a conflicting (if not incomplete) story. It makes you mutter the endless “if only I could” or “I sure wish I had” and mirrors the frustrations customers must have when they reach out to a contact center. And, as a modern-day consumer yourself—you totally get it.

image that represents the Vonage Contact Center for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Companies also get it. And there's a good chance that they're muttering, too.

Why Can't Sales and Service Play Nice?

Sales and service are vitally intertwined. After all, when operating in tandem, sales and service become a wonderful, self-propelling machine. Improved sales may require more service, and improved service could yield more sales. So why, then, do these groups often operate in isolation?

Let's go back to the infinity of open tabs. You click away, hoping to find the answers you need. Miraculously, you come across sales figures ... but can't find the service report. Then you find service insights ... and lose track of sales forecasts. Wouldn't it be nice if sales and service played nice? That's where integration through Microsoft Dynamics 365 comes in.

Pictogram of document with bulleted copy. 백서
고객센터 상담원들의 대응이 적절한가요?
콜센터 상담원 설문 조사에 따르면 Contact Center의 상담 통화 품질 심사원들은 일반적으로 매월 상담원 1인당 6건 미만의 상담 통화를 모니터링합니다.

A 360-Degree Customer View

Thankfully, your workflow just became a seamlessly integrated wealth of contacts, data, and more. Now, with integrated Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can instantly access insights across the Sales Hub and Service Hub—which provides a complete 360-degree view of customers and their journey.

Direct Impact on Your Overall CX

Why is connecting your entire business with Microsoft Dynamics 365 important? Just think of its direct impact on your overall CX. For example, check out these startling stats from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 report, “Global state of customer service: The transformation of customer service from 2015 to present day”:

  • 58 percent of consumers will sever a relationship with a business due to poor customer service
  • 90 percent of consumers believe customer service is somewhat to very important in the choice of a brand (brand loyalty)

Knowing your customers and addressing their needs are mandatory to success.

Your All-Important Contact Center

The same Microsoft Dynamics 365 report notes that linking sales and service has far-reaching customer benefits:  

  • A 360-degree view into the customer journey arms contact center agents with the information they need to better serve customers
  • 35 percent of customers ranked a contact center agent’s lack of knowledge or inability to resolve their issue as the most-frustrating aspect of poor customer service
  • 32 percent ranked having to repeat the same information multiple times as the second-most-frustrating aspect of poor customer service

Bottom line: Customers have higher expectations than ever before. So it’s no surprise that—according to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 report—analysts predict customer experience will overtake price and product as a key brand differentiator in 2020.

Which brings us back to where we started: Your desktop. By further integrating both Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Vonage Business Communications, your sales and service teams have a complete view of the CRM portfolio on-demand. Your sales staff can effectively contact and follow up with prospects. And your contact center agents can immediately reference screen pops, customer histories, and more to fully engage customers on their schedule and their preferred platform.

It’s all about the journey, and you’re there along the way. See, you totally get it.

Learn more about Vonage Contact Center for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

By Ryan Yee B2B Marketing Copywriter

Ryan Yee is a long-time copywriter with B2C and B2B experience across agriculture, biotech, finance, healthcare, technology, and more. He still fondly remembers (?) the papercuts from proofing film and sleep deprivation from late-night press checks. He’s a San Francisco native with love for his nieces and nephews, hometown Giants, and anything even remotely associated with food (utensils optional).

Deskphone with Vonage logo

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